Practical informationsMeals : The lunch will be taken at the university restaurant (MAGNAN). The participants will recieve tickets allowing them to take lunch there. CMAP members will pay with their badge. The dinner and the cocktail will take place in the CMAP department, in the conference room on the second floor. The poster session will also take place there Monday evening at 18h00. The dinner will start at 19h00. Transport and access : In order to come to Ecole Polytechnique with public transport you can :
In order to enter the University without badge you need to pass through the "Accueil" (Registration desk) shown on the photo below. The conference rooms are situated close to the Accueil, as shown in the second photo below.
Sessions: The conference will take place in amphitheaters Faurre and Becquerel. In the photo below you can see the two rooms underlined in yellow, as well as the Accueil (Registration desk) in red. Application X Campus : for the iOS and Android users the application X Campus allows you to easily find directions on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique. Attention : The access and parkings have changed recently. If you come by car, consult the following document in order to see the new circulation plan and the location of the parkings. |